The Next 10

The Community Foundation is proud to sponsor The Next 10, a community visioning project for the Greater Springfield Area to define how we take bold steps together for the region’s future.

The Next 10 elicited ideas big and small through a six-week community engagement effort that ran through December 1, 2020. The Next 10 will inspire, challenge and add context to the desires of citizens, the realities of the moment, and put details to the champions and resources that must be in place to seek new opportunities. Ultimately, the project will lay the groundwork for the next visionary steps we will take together for the future of Greater Springfield.

Visit TN10.ORG to learn more, share your ideas and join the conversation.

View the Illinois State Fairgrounds Master Plan - published in June 2024

Illinois Times:  Big plans for future of the State Fairgrounds - June 27, 2024

View The Next 10 Progress Report - published in Summer 2022

View The Next 10 Community Report - published in Spring 2021

See the latest news on The Next 10

community leaf BETTER TOGETHER

We are pleased to recognize our funding partners for The Next 10 who have generously supported this community visioning process:

G. Virginia Conlee
Williams & Dunne Family
Eck Family Fund
Jane Ford
Germeraad Family Fund
H. D. Smith Foundation
Capestrain-Tracy Family Fund
Kindling Fund
M.G. Nelson Family Foundation
Morse/Morgan Family Fund
Karen Pletsch
Sommer Family Fund
Harvey B. & Judy Stephens
U.S. Bank


EXTRA is an online, interactive speaker series focused on further developing the more than 600 individual ideas that emerged from The Next 10 in late 2020.

Through this series, which will run throughout the first quarter of 2021, we are eliciting the help of local residents, community leaders and national and international experts to inspire, inform and put details to the  emerging priority initiatives and how the community can move them forward.

EXTRA Speaker Series 1 (Jan. 25, 2021) — Revitalizing Downtown Springfield

View the EXTRA Speaker Series session 1 here.

Our thanks to the panel:

David Downey — President & CEO, International Downtown Association
Michael Edwards — President & CEO, Chicago Loop Alliance
Lisa Clemmons Stott — Executive Director, Downtown Springfield, Inc.
Jamie Giellis — President, Centro & lead consultant for The Next 10

EXTRA Speaker Series 3 (March 30, 2021) — Activating the State Fairgrounds Year-Round

View the EXTRA Speaker Series session 3 here.

Our thanks to the panel:

Marla Calico — President & CEO, International Association of Fairs & Expositions
Jerry Costello II — Director, Illinois Department of Agriculture
Cindy Hoye — Executive Director, Indiana State Fair Commission

EXTRA Speaker Series 2 (Feb. 19, 2021) — Investing in the Creative Economy

View the EXTRA Speaker Series session 2 here.

Our thanks to the panel:

Justin Croft — Vice President of Development, Zeppelin Development (and former Chair of RiNo Art District)
Mike Devine — President, Gallagher Museum Services
Wendy Holmes — Senior Vice President, Artspace
Jacob Langfelder — Broadway and Live Event Producer, Langfelder Presents
Sheila Walk — Interim Executive Director, Springfield Area Arts Council
