The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln believes that the process to establish to a fund should be very straightforward for the donor. In fact, it's one of the biggest advantages of making a donation to the Foundation. When you're ready to begin, simply contact us (217-789-4431 or email us at and we'll walk you through the following steps:
Choose When to Give
You can create a fund during your lifetime, in your estate plan or through a trust arrangement that benefits your family and favorite charities. Tax deductions are earned at the time of the gift, while grant making continues into the future.
Choose What to Give
You can start your fund with almost any kind of asset: cash, publicly traded securities, closely held stock, interests in limited partnerships, real estate or tangible property. Gifts of long-term appreciated property earn tax deductions for their full present market value.
Choose a Name
Every grant from your fund carries its name. Many people choose to name their fund for the donor, for the donor's family, or as a memorial to someone special. Of course, you can also remain anonymous.